The latest, is Austenland by Shannon Hale. The book is about a 33 year old single female, who is in love with Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. I am only a few chapters into it and I LOVE it! Here are a couple quotes that hit a little too close to home....
Quote #1:
"Jane watched and re-watched the part where Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy look at eachother over the piano, and there's that zing, and her face softens, and he smiles, his chest heaving as though he'd breathe in the sight of her, and his eyes are glistening so that you'd almost think he'd cry....Ah!" (Yeah you know that look!!!!)

"Have you noticed that you refer to any guy you've ever been on a date with as a 'boyfriend'?"
Hmm....does it count if I haven't even been on a date with a guy and I am calling him my 'boyfriend'?
Quote #3:
"At a very young age she had learned to love from [Jane] Austen. And according to her immature understanding at the time, in Austen's world there was no such thing as a fling. Every romance was intended to lead to marriage, ever flirtation just a means to find that partner to cling to forever. So for Jane, when each romance ended with hope still attached, it felt as brutal as divorce. Intense much, Jane? [or Jennica] Oh yes. But what can you do?"
Bottom line: I am loving my new read. It definitely is ringing some bells quite close to home! :) I highly recommend it.
I have heard great things about that book so no spoilers please! I totally want to read it more now that you have bloged about about it! Love YA
I'm interested to hear your thoughts about the the book AFTER you're done with it. I've read it, so...
soudns like a fun one prima!!! i just finished the twilight series. i'm obsessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm reading them all again:) just for fun:) they are an easy read and fun to do while i'm nursing. I"ll have to give this one a try... let me know how you like it:)
Hmm...interesting book. I will have to read it. Nice picture of Mr. Darcy.
Post some pics of you and/or students.
I want to see your classroom.
Luv- h
I love you for the fact that the FIRST pic you post on your blog is of Mr. Darcy. You are an excellent blogger for that fact alone!! I will definitely read the book now. And by the way, you get WAY more comments on your blogs than most people I know. You are VERY popular for a budding blogger!
Isn't it the greatest book!!! I'm glad you're liking it. I LOVED IT!!
hi jennica:
we found your blog on eric and heidi's....i am totally going to get that book. shannon hale is a great author...i've loved all her other books. brook will be thrilled to look at your site when i tell him about it...check out ours too. :)
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