Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Field Trip

My friend Andrea is moving to Georgia in a few months and as a result has created a "bucket list" of things to see while she is in the great state of Arizona. One of these things was to go to Jerome AZ. It is about a 2 hour drive north of Phoenix.

So Andrea, Kirsten and I decided to go to Jerome on Monday January 21 (MLK day). On our way we drove past the Bad Ass BBQ. It just so happens that going to the Bad Ass BBQ was something that Kirsten wanted to check off of her something-I-need-to-do-before-I-die list. So, we were able to kill two birds with one stone.

I really wanted to buy something from the Bad Ass Boutique. But, the Bad Ass was closed. Imagine this conversation:
Someone: That is the cutest shirt ever. Where did you get it?
Me: Just at some Bad Ass Boutique.
Someone: [Gasp]

We also went to Tuzigoot.... ruins from the Southern Sinagua Civilization. Picture below.

Below are pictures taken in Jerome. It's a small mining community that has turned "artsy".


Megan said...

Sounds super duper fun, too sad you didn't get to get a bad ass shirt...I'd like that conversation! PS SUCKS about your 7 hr class! I will think of you! :)

Rachel said...

That would be a funny conversation, I love that it all happend in your head first! I am so sad andrea is moving I liked her she was so nice! I think it's awesome she made a bucket list, might be something to think about!

A Frost said...

I love the post. Thanks for posting the pics:)

W. Nielson said...

What a fun road trip! And Nica you are beautiful! My favorite thing to read about was the bad ass convo:) And as for your 7 hour class, I am SO sorry! What a bummer! Good luck with it!

Naomi said...

I love Jerome! It's so worth the trip!

Wendy said...

Too bad.... no bad ass shirts. It looked like it was cold on your trip, who knew AZ could be so.

The Bentley's said...

fun prima.... and i love how you tried to throw the phrase "bad ass" in there as often as possible you little devil:) hehehehehehe loveies
linny aka prima #1

Kim, Byron H & M said...

I probably couldn't even get to your blog now, if my computer had a blocker for obscene sights--thanks to your lovely language! Of course, I don't have a blocker like that, so I am the type that enjoyed the obscenities.

I hate to ditto the above comments but that conversation is very funny and you look hot in your hat!!

Jill said...

looks like a fun little road trip, can't wait for our vegas trip!